Inside Egypt: The Time of Pharaohs' Incredible U.S. Debut at Cincinnati Museum

Step nearly 5,000 years back in time and travel to the banks of the Nile River at the Cincinnati Museum Center's Egypt: The Time of Pharaohs exhibit. Making its U.S. debut here, the exhibition gives a sweeping look at life in ancient Egypt — from the gods they worshipped to the flourishing art scene and to the everyday lives of both commoners and ruling class alike. With over 350 original artifacts — the oldest of which date back 4,500 years — The Time of Pharaohs is heralded as the largest collection of ancient Egyptian artifacts to ever go on the road. Notable items include the sphinx head of the pharaoh Hatshepsut, one of Egypt's most prolific rulers who presented herself as a king rather than a queen, and the coffin of Nakht, which explores the Egyptians' beliefs in the afterlife, religion and ceremonies. You can also see an actual mummy, in this case an elderly wealthy woman named Ta-khar. In the next room, you can view Ta-khar's mummy via a three-dimensional hologram — the world's first of its kind — which acts as the exhibition's finale. (Bonus: If you're a cat person, you'll want to check out the mummified feline on display, too.) Items featured in The Time of Pharaohs are pulled from the University of Aberdeen Museums in Aberdeen, Scotland; the Romer und-Pelizaeus — Museum in Hildesheim, Germany; the Berlin Egyptian Museum in Berlin, Germany; and the Gustav-Lubcke-Museum in Hamm, Germany. The exhibit runs through Aug. 18. For more information/tickets visit
Photos by Hailey Bollinger and Paige Deglow
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Coffin of the official Pa-Ser, which is made with gold to connect the dead with Ra, the sun god
Hailey Bollinger and Paige Deglow
Coffin of the official Pa-Ser, which is made with gold to connect the dead with Ra, the sun god
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Sphinx head of Hatshepsut, the longest-ruling female pharaoh
Hailey Bollinger and Paige Deglow
Sphinx head of Hatshepsut, the longest-ruling female pharaoh
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Detail of sphinx head of Hatshepsut
Hailey Bollinger and Paige Deglow
Detail of sphinx head of Hatshepsut
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The exhibit features over 350 artifacts, making it the largest ancient Egyptian collection to ever travel.
Hailey Bollinger and Paige Deglow
The exhibit features over 350 artifacts, making it the largest ancient Egyptian collection to ever travel.
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Replica of elaborately painted stone tomb
Hailey Bollinger and Paige Deglow
Replica of elaborately painted stone tomb
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A replicated battlefield relief with color projected onto it
Hailey Bollinger and Paige Deglow
A replicated battlefield relief with color projected onto it
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Scaled replica of King Djoser's Complex includes mortuary temple, underground corridors and an annex for celebrations, circa 2690-2670 B.C.
Hailey Bollinger and Paige Deglow
Scaled replica of King Djoser's Complex includes mortuary temple, underground corridors and an annex for celebrations, circa 2690-2670 B.C.
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Figurines sit on either side of King Djoser's Complex replica
Hailey Bollinger and Paige Deglow
Figurines sit on either side of King Djoser's Complex replica
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Figurines sit on either side of King Djoser's Complex replica
Hailey Bollinger and Paige Deglow
Figurines sit on either side of King Djoser's Complex replica
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Female miller, circa 2200 B.C.
Hailey Bollinger and Paige Deglow
Female miller, circa 2200 B.C.
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Coffin for the overseer of the Granary Nakht, circa 1950-1850 B.C.
Hailey Bollinger and Paige Deglow
Coffin for the overseer of the Granary Nakht, circa 1950-1850 B.C.
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Wall of pottery used in homes
Hailey Bollinger and Paige Deglow
Wall of pottery used in homes
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Bronze Egyptian mongooses, circa 6th-3rd century B.C.
Hailey Bollinger and Paige Deglow
Bronze Egyptian mongooses, circa 6th-3rd century B.C.
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Regine Shulz, Director/CEO of the Roemer und-Pelizaeus Museum in Hildesheim, Germany
Hailey Bollinger and Paige Deglow
Regine Shulz, Director/CEO of the Roemer und-Pelizaeus Museum in Hildesheim, Germany
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Animals in ancient Egypt often acted as symbols of gods and goddesses.
Hailey Bollinger and Paige Deglow
Animals in ancient Egypt often acted as symbols of gods and goddesses.
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Jackal at rest, circa 1000 B.C.
Hailey Bollinger and Paige Deglow
Jackal at rest, circa 1000 B.C.
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Inside Egypt: The Time of Pharaohs' Incredible U.S. Debut at Cincinnati Museum
Hailey Bollinger and Paige Deglow
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Interactive diorama depicting how bread is distributed and stored
Hailey Bollinger and Paige Deglow
Interactive diorama depicting how bread is distributed and stored
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Detail of diorama
Hailey Bollinger and Paige Deglow
Detail of diorama
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Inside Egypt: The Time of Pharaohs' Incredible U.S. Debut at Cincinnati Museum
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